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A gate was a great choice

I had been needing to get something to protect my geothermal heat pump in my backyard and I had not done so.

Because the heat pump is installed in the ground a lot of things could happen with an unprotected heat pump to make it come undone so to speak.

And this could get very costly in HVAC repairs if you had to call the local heating and air conditioning company to repair a geothermal heat pump. That actually costs way more than repairing a central heating and air conditioning system in the worst possible shape! That is the truth. I had a few options for protection of the heat pump. The one I chose to go with was getting a metal gate installed. Having the metal gate installed around the heat pump would make it so that the heat pump would actually be safe from most wild animals such as gophers and squirrels getting in there and digging up the heat pump. We have a lot of those in my area because I live in a country type neighborhood. Also by getting the metal gate around the geothermal heat pump, it helps to reflect any damage that hail storms may cause to it. If we have hail, it will bounce right off the metal gate and not touch the geothermal heat pump in any way what so ever. Hail has been known to completely kill a geothermal heat pump if it hits hard enough. And believe me when I tell you we get some golf ball sized hail sometimes!

Hybrid HVAC system

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