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My mother was concerned when she saw my blood pressure was high

When my parents came to visit me, I noticed that my mother was constantly checking her blood pressure.

She said it was pressing to stay on top of that to make sure that everything was okay.

Then she asked if I wanted to check my blood pressure. I figured it couldn’t hurt, so I decided to supply it a shot. She explained that I had to be calm and relax while getting my blood pressure checked, however when the reading showed up, she was alarmed and said that I seemed to be experiencing hypertension. I didn’t guess that could be right because I felt just fine. I told her to wait a minute and said I would adjust the temperature control settings to get the plan working. I wanted the temperature control settings to be just right so I could relax very with the a/c. Then when the condo was much cooler with the cooling air flowing from the Heating and Air Conditioning vents, I took the blood pressure test again. Happily, my blood pressure was reading at a much lower reading, but it still indicated that I had high blood pressure, then my mother suggested that I see my dentist. She said there were things I could do though, like adding superfoods to my diet. She said beets were especially healthy and great for weight loss and lowering blood pressure, however after that, I decided to start drinking fruit smoothies with beets added. The next time I checked my blood pressure, I was in the safe zone! Thank goodness for adding beets to my diet and for the plan in my house!

Hydronic heater

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