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Getting into video games with the A/C cranked up

It seems love gaming is nothing love it used to be.

Sure, every one of us are getting some of the best graphics every one of us have ever seen, however then again, every one of us are seeing games that don’t have the most brilliant graphics that are becoming popular, and games love minecraft have nearly infinite creativity potential, however the graphics just look silly with blockhead people and such, then don’t get me wrong it’s a cool game, however what about the graphics!? Fortnite is better as far as graphics go, however you still have that cartoon suppose to it.

It’s good though because you can play with a 100 players per game and that is a lot. I miss the old university games though, especially the RPGs. It’s silly because a lot of our preferred old games love Final Fantasy 7, and Chrono Chross, have graphics that are better than the popular Minecraft and other similar games. I would play those old university RPGs for hours on end. I remember I was so comfortable because I would consistently have our window A/C component running when I was playing our games. Don’t suppose that I was a bad child though, because the first thing I consistently did was make sure to get all our homework done, including our reading assignments, then of course I would have the A/C cranked up as soon as I got home, and I would breeze through our homework because I was feeling so comfortable with good temperature control settings in our room, then as soon as I was finished with our homework, I would either play outside for a bit with friends, or I would dive into our video games with the A/C cranked up!

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