All I could suppose about the weeks leading to a summer time time camping trip was how tepid I was going to be while trying to sleep in the tent. If there is one thing I don’t like in this world, that is trying to sleep while it is too hot. At my condo I have a window component AC, a ceiling fan, & a desk fan that I keep on while sleeping. I told my bestie that all I required for this camping trip was a battery operated fan, or multiple, for the tent while the two of us slept. I was pleased to see that he came lake condo with a car load of supplies including many battery operated fans for the tent. I serviced them out before the two of us got to the campsite & they seemed to blow fantastic & since there were multiple, I was feeling much better about the sleeping situation that was coming up. He even packed back-up batteries for the battery operated fans. Once I realized that I might not die of heat exhaustion, I was ready to go camping. One thing I didn’t realize about the camping trip was that the forecast called for a lot of rain on the first night. The thing I was so worried about, the heat, was turning out to not even be a concern. The rain lasted for about 3 hours. After all the rain, the heat had even subsided & a cool breeze was left in the air. Everything was soaking wet, but it was fantastic because at least I was not hot.