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I miss the air conditioning at work

For the duration of this pandemic, my office has been laboring from home.

At the beginning, I enjoyed this so much, then it was good to not have to worry about dressing up plus physically commute to work. I enjoyed laboring from the comfort of my own home. As time goes on, the weather has begun to heat up quite a bit. For the first time, I absolutely find myself missing the office, our office may not be the greatest venue in the world, however it sure did have a charming, state of the art cooling system. I used to bring a overcoat in the Summer because I would occasionally get too cold! Since I was used to spending 9 to 5 at the office, I didn’t realize how exhausting my air conditioning was. In the days plus the nights, the venue was fairly cool just because there was not a lot of sunlight coming in. The window air conditioning component in my living room was more than enough for myself and others after a long day of work. However, I now realize that the vast majority of my loft remains hot plus sticky throughout the afternoon hours. I have been so hot that I absolutely bought a fifth window component plus several fans to help cool down the apartment. While this did make a difference to some degree, I still find myself longing for that amazing air conditioning method at work. By the time the two of us go back to the office, the Summer will be over plus I won’t need that strong air conditioning. I assume I’ll question why I ever wanted to come back, however right now it’s all I assume about. It’s so strenuous to work when I am distracted by how hot I am!


Cooling specialist

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