I’m really frustrated with my employer right now.
- While all my friends and family members are working from the comfort of their own home during this virus outbreak, I still have to go into the office.
You might be thinking, how can I legally be working from an office during these times? Isn’t everything supposed to be shut down? You are correct! However, my sneaky boss found a way around working from home. Since we have an outside patio attached to our office, my boss moved half of the desks outside. Now, we’re legally allowed to work at the office and she refuses to let anyone work from home. She’s convinced that our productivity will decrease. Unfortunately, I’m one of the people who has to work outside. My desk is closest to the door, which means I can still feel the cool breeze from the air conditioning system if the wind blows the right way. I feel bad for the person on the other end, because all he has is an umbrella to keep cool! I thought about bringing a portable fan, but there’s only 2 outlets on the patio, and all our equipment is plugged into them. If we all brought portable fans to keep cool, we’d blow a fuse! I wish I could work from home where I had air conditioning! It can’t be legal to work outside during the summertime. I know there’s a virus going around, but I’m going to have a heat stroke without cool air.