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Off for a Bike Ride and a Cool Down Swim

The water here in the Mediterranean Sea is still quite cool in the middle of June. Back home in the south of the US was a different story last week. The water there already felt like a warm bathtub with little reprieve from the hot sun and sand when we were playing beach volleyball. I like the cooler water in the morning to wake me up and give me a jolt to help propel me through the day. I drink coffee in the morning, just a cup, but it doesn’t do what that cool water dip can do. My HVAC company job starts at noon each day and by the time I get there I am raring to go from my coffee and cool water plunge. I work there each day, Monday to Friday, helping customers with their questions and cleaning the floors and unpacking equipment that gets delivered in the mornings. It’s an easy job and I get to work with people I like while I help customers learn how to use their smart thermostats that they bought in the store. After I finish work in the early afternoon I come home and do an hour long meditation that sometimes just turns into a siesta, which is fine because everyone else in my town enjoys a daily siesta around the same time. I have a new HVAC system in my flat compliments of my landlord and the cool HVAC company that I work for. We installed it last year and I have already saved a lot of money in electricity.



programmable thermostat

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