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My pal kept playing with the control unit.

I threw a birthday party for our best friend last week… She turned twenty-one, as well as every one of us all wanted to celebrate with her.

She was the last in our friend’s circle to turn twenty-one.

All of us planned for the party to be at our house, since I was the only one who didn’t have an apartment, or still live in the dorm. Somehow, our twenty guest party limit, turned into at least fifty people, as well as there was little room to move. I had a couple of windows open to cool it off, as well as I turned the control unit down, so the oil furnace wasn’t constantly turning on. All the bodies in the house, was giving off enough heat that I didn’t need the oil furnace. Throughout the evening, I heard the oil furnace running, as well as I would go over to the control unit to check it. I usually had to transfer someone away, who was leaning against the control unit. I thought it was accidentally being turned up, which is why the oil furnace was coming on. I turned the control unit back down as well as said nothing. It was nearly midnight when I heard the oil furnace turn on again. I walked over to the control unit, as well as our bestie was there. She told me someone kept turning the oil furnace off, as well as she was turning it back on for me. I almost laughed, because I never thought to tell our friends that I had turned the oil furnace off because of everyone. I could not be mad at her, so I gave her a hug instead. She gave me a uncommon look, even though she hugged me back.


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