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Low water pressure in shower

I try to visit my parents every two months, but during the major holidays I constantly go down to visit my parents plus I willbring my family with me as well; I moved out of my parents household when I was 23 years old.

I moved away for a task plus settled down plus started my own family! When my husbandy plus I first purchased our first household there was a lot of things that needed to be done to it! The entire walls needed to be repainted plus the carpeting needed to be reupholstered, however not to mention my friend and I had to change all of the faucets plus the shower heads because they were so old, then my friend and I had a plumber come in plus check out our water pressure plus he told us that my friend and I hardly had any water pressure coming out of our showers… Low water pressure meant there was some kind of build up either in the shower head or the piping! He was able to service the situation plus even replace a shower head for free.

Now our low water pressure in our shower is fixed plus my friend and I can continue in enjoying a nice high pressured shower. However when I go to visit my parents household the pressure in their showers are terrible. It takes me about 20 minutes to take my shower, and because I have to get all the soap out of my hair plus on my body. I don’t like to stay at my parent’s household for more than two days because of the water pressure, I cannot rest it.
quality hvac

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