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Coworker stole mini split system from office

I’m really not the type of person who cares much about following the rules.

I feel like most of the laws and orders that we follow are absolutely unnecessary.

I do not like feeling controlled by other people and I am not the sort of person who will snitch if I see you doing something wrong, either. That being said… If you mess with my indoor air quality control and comfort, I might feel differently. I never really thought much about the heating and cooling system contained in our office at work until the day that it was gone. To be honest, I always thought that the indoor air temperature was fine. I was not blown away by amazing ventilation or super clean Indoor air. But the day that we failed to have any indoor air quality control device at all? I suddenly felt like we lost the best indoor air quality control system ever. To be fair, it was only a mini split ductless heating and cooling system that kept our office fairly comfortable. Everyday we could easily adjust the indoor air temperature up or down using the remote control for the indoor heating and cooling device. It was easy to change out the air filter and we never had to arrange professional heating, cooling, or ventilation services for the rudimentary temperature control device. Then, it went missing. I always had my suspicions that my ex co-worker had stolen the mini split ductless heating and cooling system. He quit right around the time that the air quality device disappeared. I knew for a fact that he was the culprit when I visited his house and noticed a very familiar heating, cooling, and air quality control unit installed on his wall. This time, I really considered snitching.


Coworker stole mini split system from office

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