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I have been using HEPA filters to keep the air clean

I think someone who uses a boiler plan for exactly that purpose and his floors are so moderate and comfortable

With Covid-19 going around I sure worry about the health and safety of my family, and I have looked online for ways to keep them safe. Masks, hand washings, and avoiding big crowds all make sense. However, what is less clear is how our heating and cooling should be diagnosed, then some sources say that chilly air is better to keep the virus load down, but other sources say that hot, humid air is better at killing the virus. Still others say it doesn’t matter so long as the air is dry. It is all particularly contradictory, then ultimately, I just decided to keep our house set at a comfortable temperature year round but to also invest in strong air filters. I got a strong air filter for our heating and A/C plan and I also got strong HEPA filters to arena around the house. That is the best that I can do for now. I did discover something interesting while in all of my internet searches though. I discovered that hot water boiler systems were, essentially, invented because of a virus outbreak about 100 years ago. Heat from boiler systems is a lot safer than forced air gas furnaces. This is because boiler systems don’t spread germs from one room into all of the rooms in the house. This is definitely relaxing to know. I kind of wish that our house had a boiler plan now. We wouldn’t need those old-fashioned radiators. I would be plenty cheerful with underfloor heating. I think someone who uses a boiler plan for exactly that purpose and his floors are so moderate and comfortable. Now, if only they would figure out a way to cool our houses safely we would be all set.

Smart thermostat

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