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It was a good move afterall to get a new air purification system

After having the air purification system installed along with a new HEPA air filter, the change in air quality was unbelievable

I never really thought we had an issue with air quality in our home until my wife started talking about it all of the time. I thought the fiberglass air filters we were using were just fine. Then my wife pointed out to me how whenever she was cleaning, the dust in the house would easily come back and settle all over everything, including the furniture. She said it was gross and it was making her feel sick. I told her I guessed that I could get better air filters like the pleated kind. She said I should go for HEPA air filters and also get a new air purification system installed. I thought she was being entirely ridiculous, but she put her foot down and said it was for the sake of our health. I never thought of such a thing and I even told my buddies about it. One friend said he started using an air purification system and it made a huge difference with the air quality. My other buddies agreed that it was a good move to make. So I caved and called up the HVAC company. I asked them for their air purification system and some HEPA air filters. The HEPA air filters were really expensive and I felt like I was going to regret it. After having the air purification system installed along with a new HEPA air filter, the change in air quality was unbelievable. It was like we lived in a new house. Then we had company come over for dinner and we even got compliments on how wonderful our air quality was. I decided it was a good move after all.

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