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Road trip has to have fantastic air conditioner

Mostly, I find the interstate hotels have the best commercial Heating plus A/C equipment

It seems like this has become a Summer thing for me now, however when the pandemic shut down the office as well as that fantastic zone controlled Heating plus A/C, I had to work at home. But the thing is that much of what I do revolved around being the face of our company to the customer. And that meant a lot of travel as well. It became pretty clear after laboring from the central air conditioner at home that I couldn’t do everything via online meetings. I had to get out to the customer. So that’s what I did. I had my car air conditioner recharged as well as hit the road the Summer of 2020. I was out for a couple of months which didn’t make my wife all that glad. But wow, I was more productive than I had ever been even in those most unparticular times. So of course, the company legitimately wants me to repeat that routine all the Summers since. But now, my wife is with me as well as we hit the road twice over the Summer for six weeks at a time. She’s a professor so this works out good for her. And I enjoy having a road tripping partner. The air conditioner in her car is even better that in mine. Of course, I know just where to stay along the highways after three years of this. Mostly, I find the interstate hotels have the best commercial Heating plus A/C equipment. And after a clean, quiet room, I want fantastic air conditioner for sure. It’s so nice to have my wife along as she gets out of the air conditioner as well as explores each place where I stop for company along the way.


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