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Representing the homeowner solutions business in the city exposition

I was busy preparing my speech for the city exposition, where different companies were presenting their different companies as a way to promote local businesses.

This expo is held annually and I remembered three years ago I was the one in charge of our stand in the exposition representing the homeowner solutions business.

The theme of that year was energy-saving tips. The business is an HVAC supplier. We do not just offer quality HVAC advice such as the best thermostat for your home system, but also the services of a skilled cooling specialist. To wrap up the expo, some of us were chosen to give speeches. My speech was centered on the importance of ensuring that your air duct does not have problems and the implications of the different problems. Some of the issues include; improper insulation of the vents which means a considerable amount of heat and air escapes this way which means a lot of money is going to waste as the residential HVAC works more to compensate for the loss. The other point was dirty vents which means that they are contaminated with dirt germs and contaminants which affect your indoor air quality by making it more polluted than the air outside. Cleaning the vents regularly will improve the air quality in your home and help your home system run more efficiently. Even with an indoor air cleaning system or an air purification system, the dirty vents will still compromise air quality. I also talked about the importance of replacing an air filter and the issues that were brought about by a clogged furnace filter which have an impact on energy consumption. Proper management, repair, and maintenance of the heating and cooling system will ensure such problems are avoided and energy is used efficiently
heat pump service

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