I worked at the same job for nearly 30 years and I had one specific goal in mind.
No matter how much I disliked my job I stuck it out because I wanted to have a good retirement.
Towards the end that became very difficult but I managed to make my 30 years and I put in my notice that very day. I had plans for my retirement that included traveling. Within the first three months I had a trip booked to take a cruise down to the Caribbean. The travel agent that I worked with had a special where I could see several of the islands at one time and I thought it would be perfect. The cruise line that she books me on had a fairly decent reputation so I was confident that I would be comfortable aboard ship as we ventured between the islands. When I arrived and was shown to my cabin I realized that I should have spent a little more on my trip and gotten a room with a window that opened. Apparently the ventilation system aboard was less than adequate and the air felt like it was stagnant. I asked the crew member if there was a way to increase the ventilation in that area of the ship and they said that there was not. This led me to spending most of my time up top on the deck so that I could at least breathe in the fresh air. I had no choice but to sleep in my cabin but I was tempted from time to time to just pull up a lounge chair and sleep outside. The islands were beautiful and I’m glad that I took the trip but I learned a very valuable lesson when it comes to taking a cruise. I will now always inquire as to the quality of the HVAC system of board prior to taking a trip.
hvac maintenance