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Running my dehumidifier allows me to leave my temperature higher in my house

Amazingly, the dehumidifier worked! It didn’t smell either, which had us thinking.

I like to ride along with my cousin each week when he goes on his trash picking rounds. He takes his flatbed truck and drives around the city on the nights before trash pickups. He finds everything from old appliances to furniture and scrap metal. Much of what he finds is too damaged or broken for ongoing use, but if it has sheet metal or copper components he can make a small bit of cash by parting out its resources. He loves finding anything with copper piping because the copper costs so much money. You can make a killing selling copper components if you had a steady supply. This last week though, my cousin found something unexpected. We drove up to this house in a wealthy neighborhood and in front of their driveway was a dehumidifier put out on the curb with their garbage cans. It was routine like any other trip—we put the dehumidifier in the back of the truck and unloaded it when we got back to my cousin’s house. He plugged it in, but we both expected it to be nonfunctional like 90% of the appliances and electronics that he finds on the side of the road. Amazingly, the dehumidifier worked! It didn’t smell either, which had us thinking. Was this a mostly new dehumidifier? The manufacturing year was the same as the current one, meaning this machine was probably barely used. I was just happy that he gave it to me, because now I can run it whenever I want to dry out my house. I don’t have to waste money on running my central HVAC constantly to keep the indoor moisture level down. My air conditioner gets less wear and tear while my home stays comfortably dry in the process.


Cooling corporation

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