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The dog wasn't working out

We started in the puppy class and after a few weeks of work I started to see improvement in his chewing behavior

I was extremely excited when I got my first dog. For a long time I had wanted nothing but a puppy. Unfortunately my parents never let me have a puppy when I was growing up so I had to wait until I was old enough to move out on my own and get my own place before I was able to ever get a dog. But the moment I did get a dog it was one of the happiest moments of my life! Finally I had a doggy to love that was all mine. Unfortunately, things are not as easy as I thought they would be. Maybe it’s because he is a puppy, but he was a very destructive dog. I was doing my best to train him not to destroy things but it seems like no matter what I did he would still get into everything. I think one of the most painful was when he destroyed a brand new window air conditioning system that I had just bought. I wouldn’t use my central air conditioning system more and I was going to use the window AC instead. That was until my dog found it when I wasn’t home, he chewed through the entire cord and the rest of the unit. The window a/c was covered in little teeth marks, and it was completely unusable with the damaged cord. It was at this point however that I did realize that I would not be able to train him on my own, it just wasn’t working out, and I think I was just too inexperienced working with dogs. I decided to sign up my puppy and I for professional dog training classes. We started in the puppy class and after a few weeks of work I started to see improvement in his chewing behavior. He still chewed on things but I could mostly redirect his behavior to his chew toys, and his listening skills are much better than before. I think with a bit more training he’ll turn out to be a great dog after all.


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